Monday, December 22, 2008

Consciousness in Yoga Nidra

According to Paramahansa Satyananda, Nidra yoga really starts with the experiment of these will chakras. Will chakras are also known in other cultures, as we saw with Hopis in the United States, but also by the alchemists in Europe and Inuits of Greenland and Canada, to mention but some of the more obvious examples.

In deep yoga Nidra, we employ eight of will chakras principal to come into contact with the various plans of the conscience. On my CD lately released, yoga of experiment Nidra (previously on the recorder with cassettes) me employ the incantations (certain healthy syllables) connected to each will chakra.

I also employ visual symbols according to the traditions of India and Europe. When I started to produce Nidra yoga of experiment while teaching in the United States, the Indian musician Roop Verma was inspired to record the ancient musical symbols of will chakras. It was the first to do this. This special music was amalgamated with my text and councils during deep yoga Nidra.

Chakras are often spoken in connection with yoga about Kundalini, a whole of methods and meditations which can be employed to harmonize and awake psychic energy. (The named yoga of Kundalini, however, is also employed as registered trademark of a contemporary movement - although they teach only standard yoga).

The yoga of Kriya is probably the major form and most effective of yoga of Kundalini. In an impressive way it can reinforce the body 'the field of energy of S, remove depressions, creativity of increase and open to you upwards for a first hand knowledge of the mystical or spiritual aspects true of the life. Will chakras have corresponding sectors in the brain. When they are relaxed and harmonized during Nidra yoga, the release of the nondesired states such as confusion and of the lack of concentration starts. People who awake their will chakras by yoga and the meditation, open with a capacity previously unknown for the communication, perspicacity and the creativity.

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