Yoga, the invention of ancient Hindus is a form of mysticism, of which the origin is impossible to trace, going up like it makes to the thousands of years before the recorded history. One of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, Maharishi (or sage) Patanjali, his/her founding father lived full three centuries before Christ.
Large a philosopher and grammairien, he was also a doctor, with a considerable body of medical work allotted to him, although this work was lost in the pages of time. However founded by Patanjali, however yoga existed like teaching and system distinct from the life a long time front him.
System Indian traditional to cure spirit and body, by series of mental, exercises spiritual and physical, yoga is conceived to harness or to link or to melt conscience and conscience individual (atma or the human heart) with conscience conscious superb (Paramatma or the supreme being), which is, but with a normal frame of mind for both. Finally, this harnessing process leads to a realization of identity, and by integrating the spirit, the body and the spirit; it increases physical and mental health and the wellbeing, even while it helps to reach spiritual perspicacity and the harmony, a union with the divine one.
A mixture of the spiritual exercises and physics which encourages mental physical health, spiritual and, these exercises are also known to be effective against concern, arthritis, the headache, the migraine, the multiple sclerosis, the osteoporosis, the pregnancy, the rheumatoid arthritis, and more. The exercises of yoga, the breathing and the techniques special of meditation are famous to clean the body of toxins, improving the tonality of muscle, as well as, circulation of blood.
A lifestyle, the goal of the yoga of Patanjali is to place the free man of the camp of the matter. Occupy you to be the highest shape of matter, the spirit, body, the union of heart which is the goal of each one yoga of practice, releases them from the trawl of Chital or Ahankara (spirit or me), moving towards a pure being. The yoga of practice does that and more!
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