Tuesday, December 23, 2008

other fields of knowledge

Research on Kundalini (divine power of snake) begins with the examination from philosophy from Gayatri Mahaprajna. Basically the worship of Gayatri is an experiment of the religious ideology and feelings divine. In it individual-research is given the importance as a chief and while producing devotion by the concentration of meditation, the conscience of Brahmic is brought more narrowly and its psyche obtains interlaced in it. If you throw a match lit on a timber chock or you throw extreme wood on the gasoline; the two actions are identical. The only difference is that via individual-go and by undergoing Advait (union with God) one sees miraculous results quickly.

Instead of total individual-return even if there is a certain desire did not imply any doubt that the car will however slow down it will give us finally favour. But one does not become able to profit from others in the world. A swimmer can itself however swim it is unable to help of others to cross the river like a boatman. It is the difference between the worship of Gayatri and the desire wish-based less worship of Gayatri. By both the type of effort, the spiritual candidates succeed in their own manner.

If we plunge deeply in the philosophy of the worship of Gayatri we let us return account which our whole conscience is influenced by seed of the knowledge of the brain. Its role is important concerning body lift and the social behavior. In a very high mental state this center is the source of the extrasensory potential (In particular) and it is here that the happy activity to link a creature with the achievement of Brahman (God) C. - with-D. true human goal is achieved. Brahmi-shakti de Gayatri (divine power) is also called Brahmarandhra, Brahmasansthan or Brahmaloka. The sector that it influence is conscience of wisdom. In a way Gayatri symbolic system is also called Brahmani or the wife of Brahma. Its power can be seen as Brahmadand (punishment) that surmounts the bad one and destroys the pain and poverty in the material world. In the spiritual field its form took the form of Brahmavarchas.
Beyond the worship of Gayatri there is worship of Savitri.

The worship of Savitri is much the material aspect of Gayatri. The power evolves/moves with the assistance of energy. The 5 elements and the 5 essential forces of our work of body like fuel and to its assistance interior fire is activated. This activation of fire is worship of Savitri. In spite there of is a difference in the worship of Savitri and of Kundalini (divine power of snake) they have an equal stature.According to Indian mythology Brahmaji had 2 wives. The first was Gayatri and the second was Savitri. Symbolically they are conscience of wisdom and material richness. One is Para Prakriti and the other is Apara Prakriti. Para Prakriti surrounds the spirit, intellect, the psyche, it me, Ritambhara Prajna (divine intellect) and all other fields of knowledge. The second Savitri wife is material conscience of Apara Prakriti C. - with-D. and inert nature. All the matter movements depend on him. The revolution of the molecules, the influence of the chemicals, electricity, heat, the light, magnetism, ether etc are under its jurisdiction. The science of materials by using all these apparatuses leaves with infinite inventions in order to give us material comforts. This Apara Prakriti is Savitri. Apara Prakriti de Savitri is responsible for the operation of body of all the creatures and the world evolves/moves thus. It is this power which directs Sattva, rajahs, Tamas, 5 elements, Tanmatras etc Sidhis (divine powers) and of the advantages are reached via this power of Savitri. Health, long life, could, enthusiasm, daring, beauty and other infinite special qualities depend on him. On the one hand it is however widespread its principal focal point is on the poles of the ground (macro level) and Mooladhar Chakra of the human spine (micro level). While the execution of the hymn practises this is also called Kundalini Shakti (divine power of snake). All the goals are reached by activating this power. Thus we can produce energy. With the analysis of the scriptural injunctions we understand that at certain places Savitri and Kundalini would be synonymous and where they are probably different, their spiritual practice and the goal is also probably different. However a fact is eternal that the subtle creation of the body and the mode of the alarm clock will always remain in a permanent way the same one. The difference follows only when the reasons of the use of the power are varied.In fact in the yoga of Kundalini, the yoga of Kriya is higher. All the hymn practises like Naadi Shodhan (subtle purification of nerve), Trinaadi Parimarjan (washing of the 3 nerves subtle), Shatkarma, Chakravedhan (travelling to the top of the 6 subtle Chakras or plexuses) are such as with body exercises of meditation/concentration are also given the importance. One must drink the strange cycle of the exercises of essential force in Pranayam. While activating the power Bandha de Kundalini, Mudra and Aasan (maintenance) are given the importance due. But in pure Savitri the worship is limited to the periphery of the principal area. Sahasrar Kamal (1000-petalled lotus), Brahmarandhra (center on the scalp interior region), materials in the brain are activated. Brahmarandhra deals with the interior sector of brain and the external sector is occupied by the third eye called Ajna Chakra. But when spiritual practices of Savitri and Kundalini are combined then the method from both becomes a mixture and the results change also consequently. The spiritual practice that we are on the point of present here is of this variety. Consequently we discussed by stages the principles and the use of Gayatri, Savitri and Kundalini (divine power of snake).All times that in Scriptures the wife of Brahma is described while one of these spiritual practices undoubtedly know that it must be taken symbolically. How the family of a conscious power can be like that of the human beings? If no matter who wishes thus it can give the 2 special characteristics of the heat and the light of the fire of element to knowing like name of these wives. If it is unpleasant they can be called the girls. It is what is seen in the Scriptures. At certain Saraswati places is called the husband of Brahma and with other places his/her daughter. Consequently instead of looking at it as rough society man it makes should accept in a way subtle symbolic system. The power of heart is Gayatri, power material is Savitri. The fruits of the worship of Gayatri comprises the advance of the conscience of heart, evolution of our character, functioning for great tasks, high the thought and effort to however reach the release all in alive (Jeevan Mukti). By comparison with this Savitri the worship implies the alarm clock of Kundalini (divine power of snake) in order to surmount the latent and twisted state of essential force in the body via its activation.

There are two jets of positive and negative of electricity C. - with-D. Only when both link has it there a flow of energy. Only when Gayatri and Savitri are linked can all the conditions of the spiritual practices being carried out. With the worship of Savitri one profits not only materially but that with its amalgamation with the worship of Gayatri, its power of heart evolves/moves too. It is the primary form of worship of Kundalini. If it is misty in our psyche, all the efforts in this direction are futile.In the field of spirituality the way of wisdom is called Dakshin Marg. This is also called Nigam Rajyog, Ved Marg etc the way of the action is called Vaam Marg, Agam, Tantra, Hatha Yog etc All the obstacles in its manner are destructive. Consequently there is chaos and of destruction. None is happy to hear or to be informed of the engagements between the demigods and the demons. In fact the reading of it really agitates us. But when the two parts beat the ocean together, all the latent richness of the ocean was reached by the two factions. Each one knows that because of the churning of the ocean they obtained 14 jewels.

Same manner when the worship of Gayatri and Savitri are carried out together it would be level of the co-operation between the demigods and the demons.When Shiva married Parvati, their loneliness was isolated. By their union the 2 wire had been born. One was Sidhivinayak Ganesh and the other was Kartikeya, the destroyer of the demons. One establishes uprightness and the other destroyed the unrighteousness. Ganesh blesses us with a divine intellect and Kartikeya, with the power. Kartikeya has 6 faces. Those are also called 6 Chakras (plexuses subtle). This demonstration of Skand should be regarded as influences of the 6 Chakras related to the power of Kundalini (divine power of snake).Kundalini is nothing but housing firepower in our genitals. Shiva in the form of Sahasrar Chakra (lotus 1000-petalled with the top of our head) once activated, has as consequence the overflowing of the honey of pollen which is Retas of Shiva (sperm). The firepower of Kundalini drank it. Six Kritikas (stars of Pleiads) matured it. These 6 Kritikas are the 6 Chakras. Kartikeya with 6 faces nourished by the 6 Kritikas should be regarded symbolically as influential result of the 6 Chakras.Which are exactly these 6 Chakras? Where and why there exists? In which state does exist there? Which is its utility? We will not go into the great detail of all these questions. The nature of its utility and analyzes scientific will be later detailed. Here we excavate in this Kundalini which is for these people who via the material wish of effort to reach higher states of conscience of heart. Such people are admirers of divine energy and think that energy is more important. In the battle between the demigods and the demons, this energy reached by the demons was wasted by them in modest activities and then by the experimentation on the lord Vishnu or a higher power different of heart, it was subjugated. When the worship of Shakti (energy) only links with the divinity then it succeeds. Such achievements are eternal and from the long-term point of view it proves salutary for all the living beings. All the initial success of the demons summers witness by was as the proverbial illusory mustard seed on the palm.

Shukracharya was an expert of the Science of Kundalini. It was him which taught this science with its disciples of demon. Brihaspati was the Master of the demigods. While asking Yogis, men of punishment and experiencers of Brahman to adore Gayatri it made them pious the character what was related with that of the demigods. He as taught them as the Science of Kundalini however its only intention was to increase the piousness. These knowers of the heart which had problems materialists to be surmounted were invited to follow the worship of Savitri beyond primary education. It was by taking the recourse to the worship of Savitri that Dadhichi, Bhagirath, Lomharsh, Shringi, Vishwamitra etc could solve material problems. No doubt the ultimate objective was however spirituality the way, rites etc of the spiritual practice were changed according to the needs. Even the tastes of Arjun, Hanuman etc had to calm disagreements society men. Even they had to follow the worship of Savitri-Kundalini which was an effort materialist under the aegis of spiritual science. Even my own spiritual punishment was for this reason even and because I walked on the right way, I tasted success.When the worship of Savitri and Kundalini are followed to unison the results are miraculous. Electricity functions of the wonders in a one second old flash. Even a corpse is flaring quickly on the electronic pyres while rice, lenses etc take a longer time to make cook on the wood fire. This way is adapted more for one which does not want a fall spiritual but quickly achieved its goal with the assistance of a pious nature. The pure worship of Kundalini concerns the flagship de Tantra and Vaam Marg. When Gayatri, Savitri and Kundalini are combined this way of yoga is mainly Dakshin Marg.Mainly the lord like Varah, Nrisinh, Parshuram etc had to face worried circumstances. Shiva is called baba of Shiva Bholey (innocent God) or Aughaddani (easy to satisfy) but it also created Veerbhadra out of anger against Daksha Prajapati and thus destroyed the arrogance of Daksha.

It is a very large event and consequently the two activities of the appeasing and to kill are carried out.Under specific incarnations of circumstances of pivot and other strongly advanced hearts propel others to make this task so that their own power is not exhausted. Vishwamitra was able to protect its clean Yajna but so that its own moral strength does not obtain not destroyed for fear it express anger, it chose to require of the boys of Kshatriya the RAM and Lakshman with the demons of combat like Tadka, Subahu, Mareech etc Vishwamitra taught the RAM and Lakshman all the qualifications of a true soldier and thus protected its Yajna with their assistance. Samarth Ramdas and Chanakya required of Shivaji and Chandragupt respectively to carry out these tasks what could be carried out by them of the individuals. The question here is that the radiation of Brahman is more valid. This divine power should be protected for more raised efforts and not be wasted while drawing aside from the disagreements. Thus using a combined worship of Savitri and Kundalini its characteristic and foreign disagreements can be surmounted and within limits of the aptitude, its power of richness also can be increased.Using the power developed by a man according to the way of the austerities one can change not only others but also beat the subtle atmosphere of the world in order to transform it for the best. It is a fact. As 2 other divine powers it can be transmitted to others too. One can ask for the divine power of one which reached it austerities and thus employ it for a higher goal. It is like taking the interest of the banks. Just as a rich man always gives part of his richness to poor so much too a Yogi gives to share of his divine power to the suitable people who surmount in their turn of the fashionable circumstances of test and thus establishes the peace and the brotherhood of the world. In a family of the previous periods the bread-winner had one years. Other members continued to carry out not very important tasks in the house but it was not necessary that they gain also their own richness to take care of their conditions.The alarm clock of Kundalini Shakti (divine power of snake) is very complicated. It is like the play with the lightning. Consequently there are risks to lose its life too. While Kundalini of release if there are lack of suitable councils or capacity we saw people turning insane too. Many was afflicted with the paralysis and much died too. If a person tries to simply learn the drive from car by books of reading certainly it will unload in the very difficult situation. Even a person who learned the drive from car will pay attention very while driving a car and thus helps of the Co-passengers to reach their suitable destination.

Beyond gaining the knowledge of the alarm clock of Kundalini, the achievement of Ridhi-Sidhi etc one it should not become precipitated and think this effort of being very easy to follow. One should never not awake Kundalini without assistance of a genuine guide, guru or spiritual Master. One can think oneself to be very a worker while jumping the queue and while walking ahead but to undoubtedly know that such an act is full with the danger.The reason for which a very careful discussion is made on the combined spiritual worship of Gayatri, Savitri and Kundalini are that today people are first of all attracted with him. Since it is a secret science there is a cover of veil it. It is likely and very necessary to include/understand the principle, the nature and the social aspect of the Science of Kundalini. Since when such sciences disappear, an intelligent person reaching the rings of the aphorism-directions will build a chain according to her limited arrangement. But if there is no index of the whole rejuvenating such a science is very complicated. Consequently there is no problem by drinking important aspects of this science. The problem is in the experimentation. If an arrow of the words reverses and made to your own voice its target the result will be death only.

By not accepting the worship of Kundalini as only surface rites one should understand that the researcher (Sadhak) should have the suitable qualifications. There must is a basic spiritual punishment which must be undergone and until its application is concerned, leave it in the hands of the able specialists.

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