Monday, December 22, 2008

Help for Asthma patients

Perhaps it was predestined that I should have had asthma as a child, discovers yoga as an adult, corrects my respiratory health with it and now is blessed to write about my experiments with employing yoga (in particular) to order my symptoms of asthma.

If it is the case, then I am honoured. One or the other manner it disappears, I can say with much confidence which based on my experiments, a useful exercise to reduce of the symptoms of asthma and to treat its many disturbances is yoga.

Because of its soft installations and right ends and the major breathing implied in yoga, some to pose-when used correct-can be very useful to smooth the chronic ignition of the bronchial tubes (air routes) these cause the swelling and the contracting (constriction) of the air routes just as the case in patients of asthma. Moreover, by using yoga as exercise for the ordering of asthma, one does not need to worry about the common exercise-induced attacks of asthma which can come because of the vigorous activity because these installations are very calm and to comprise the very small movement.

He, it are yoga after all.Now, the friends, based on my experiments and several studies which support these facts, the following installations can be a powerful therapy added to reduce the frequency and the intensity of the attacks of asthma like decreasing the use of drug. The stand and this of shoulder are of against installations for asthma.The installations of inversion in yoga evacuate excessive mucus the lungs and balance the immune system. Now, leave me perhaps present to you simplest of these installations, the installation of stand of shoulder.

Although you Shoulder-Held was invented by several sages of yoga like close panacea or the panacea, with regard to asthma, it is indeed very useful in order to relieve of the obstructions excessive in the bodies respiratory and due to its major breathing, it increases the flow of air, the capacity, the strength and the effectiveness of the lung. Here to come the best part, its installations of meter. You see, some installations of yoga, due to the execution of them i.e., must be compensated by an installation in an opposite direction spinale (another subject, but in if all goes well obtain you essence). Maintaining the friends, these Shoulder-hold the installation has 2 that the force counter-installations: the fish bridge and installations. (Aucuns concern they are very simple to carry out.) All the two installations fold behind the maintenances which open the trunk improving the lung and operation of heart.In fact, the all last installation (fish installation) is one of the specific installations mentioned by Sri Swami Devananda and IBS Iyengar (two of the figures quite founded in the modern yoga of day) as being specifically useful to remove spasms of the bronchial tubes and to relieve of this fact asthma.

Other useful installations:There are other installations such as the curves towards before you can practise specifically if it is more difficult to inhale. Those include the installation of Head-knee (Passchimothanasa) and it basically implies to seize your toes, ankles or feet of the head lowered as far as possible to touch the knees. Now, the friends, remember that I mentioned counter-installations well? Well, for this particular installation, its counter-installations are basically installations of bending behind which include the installation of slope and curve the installation.Both (particularly this last) open the trunk and should be practised to facilitate with exhalation during the attacks of asthma. Last, but not minor is the simple installation, however extremely effective of relieving. Yes, you guessed it right, just simply apartment of lie on your back and breathe in a model ordered and rhythmic.

As a practitioner rhythmic, the daily ordered techniques of breathing, the respiratory muscles and lungs develop the capacity to breathe all the hour more slowly, meaning less effort on the air routes in general.In addition to these installations, leave briefly mention the exercise to me breath of the lowing of `(a exercise of breathing of yoga) like this helps enormously. While the name can suggest, it implies to purposely pump the stomach in a centripetal movement and to exhale by the nose simultaneously in the ordered movements.

This removes spasms and tonalities to the top of the respiratory system significantly. In this moment, it must mention that yoga claims a healthy mode in its use-andlike physical and spiritual system; he claims a mode most of the time vegetarian. Friends, for problems of asthma, you can want to strongly consider this because giving up all the treated products of food and animals such as the meat, milk, eggs and similar of your mode is a need and a fact which was indeed in several programs concerned correcting respiratory health such as breath maintaining the program for asthmatic the developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko.

In weeks of adherence to this council, much a asthmatic chronicle could give up the use of the inhalers of ventolin. Thus the next time that asthma sends to you with the doctor, you can make well to ask for a new regulation for the treatment-Yoga of asthma. I believe that it will not wound you and probably could not help immensely.

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