All the raga must be entirely put on side. We must separate from him. We must acquire the opposed state, where each passion is calmed, where no attraction for the objects of the desire remains, where all the bonds which link the man with the surrounding objects are broken. When the bonds of the heart are broken, then the man becomes immortal. How this dispassion have does to be caused? There is only one good manners to make it.
By slowly and gradually taking shape starting from the external objects by the more effective attraction of the individual.
The individual is ever attracted with the individual. This only attraction can turn these vehicles starting from the attracting and repulsive objects which surround them; do not release from all the raga, more relations of establishment with objects, the separate lucky finds of individual himself released and release, and the union with one individual becomes the single object of the desire.But not immediately, by a supreme effort, by an effort, this great quality of dispassion can become the characteristic of the man folded on yoga. It must practise the dispassion constantly and immutably.That is implied in the jointed word with the dispassion, the abhyasa or the practice. The practice must be constant, continual and uninterrupted. Pratique does not mean only the meditation, although it is the direction in which the word is generally employed; it means the implementation deliberated and uninterrupted of the dispassion in the medium even of the objects which attract.So that you can acquire the dispassion, you must practise it in the things day labourers of the life. I said that much confines the abhyasa with the meditation.This is why so much few people reach with yoga. Another error is to await a certain special occasions. People prepare for a certain enormous sacrifice and forget the small things of the daily life, in which the spirit is knitted with the objects by innumerable tiny wire.These things, by their meanness, do not draw the attention, and while waiting for the large thing, which does not come, people lose the daily practice of the dispassiontowards the small things which are around them.By limiting the desire to each moment, we become indifferent to all the objects which surround us. Then, when great opportunity comes, we seize it while conscious of the rare fact that it is on us.Day laborer, all the day, practical--it is what is required of the candidate to yoga, for only on this line can success come; and it is the trouble of this hard effort and continuous it of the tires outside the majority of candidates.
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