All the things rest on something of other-quest, all the things are supported by others. It is because a base is necessary so that anything exists. To be itself the final support of all the things, only God is free from this need. Yoga, then, also requires the support.
Like Trevor Leggett called in its introduction to Shankara to 'comment of S on Sutras yoga: It is yoga presented for the society man, which must initially get clear, and then strengthens, its spirit against the fury of illusory passions, and releases its life of the tangles. Patanjali describes very carefully and entirely the elements of the support required by the ambitious one, providing the priceless information of value on the way in which to guarantee success in yoga.
The first Sutra yoga indicates: Maintaining the exposure of, of yoga implying that there must be something which brings to yoga in the form of developments necessary of conscience and personality. These things necessary can be regarded as pillars of yoga, and are known like Yama and Niyama.Yama and NiyamaYama and Niyama often are called Ten commands of yoga. Each of these five Gift from the 'total solids (Yama) and five fact 's (Niyama) is a support, releasing the pillar of yoga. Yama means the voluntary restraint in the direction of the individual-control, or the abstention, and is composed of five elements. Niyama means observances, of which there is also of five.
Here the complete listing of these ten pillars as given in the 2:30,32 of Sutras of yoga:1) Ahimsa: not violence, not-damage, innocence2) Satya: exactitude, honesty3) Asteya: not-flight, honesty, non-misappropriativeness4) Brahmacharya: continence sexual in the thought, the word and the contract as well as the order of all the directions5) Aparigraha: non-possessiveness, not-avarice, not-selfishness, not-acquisitiveness6) Shaucha: purity, cleanliness7) Santosha: satisfaction, peace8) Typed: austerity, (C. - with-D., result-producing) practical spiritual discipline9) Swadhyaya: coil-study introspective, spiritual study10) Ishwarapranidhana: offer of a the 'life of S to GodAll the latter business with the innate powers of human being-or rather with the abstinence and the observance which will develop and release these powers to be employed towards our spiritual perfection, with our coil-realization and release.
These ten constraints (yama) and observances (niyama) are not optional to aspire yogi-or for the most advanced yogi, one or the other. Shankara states completely with force that the yama and niyama following is the basic qualification to practise yoga. Only the desire and aspiration for the goal of yoga is not enough, thus it continues: Qualification is not simply that one wants to practise yoga, because the crowned text indicates: but him which initially did not turn starting from its spite, which quiet and is not moderated, or whose spirit is not at rest, it can never not obtain the individual by knowledge. (Katha Upanishad 1.2.24) and in the text of Atharva: it is in those which have typed [strong discipline] and the brahmacharya [chastity] this truth is established. (1: 15 of Prashna Upanishad) and in Gita: strengthen in their wish of brahmacharya. (6: 14 of Bhagavad Gita) thus the yama and the niyama are methods of yoga in themselves and are not only additions or assistances which can be optional.
But at the same time, the practice of yoga helps the yogi aspiring to follow the manners necessary of the yama and of the niyama, thus it should not be discouraged from taking yoga in this moment, thinking that it should wait until it is prepares or has cleaned his act to practise yoga. Number. It should given embark on the yama, the niyama, and yoga simultaneously. Success will be with him
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