Saturday, December 20, 2008

Karma Yoga – The Art Of Living

The ancient book of Gita, which is the treaty on the life carried out a main effort on the karma. The karma is defined as the action and its fruits. The ancient Hindu saints believed that the life of a man is the direct result of sound karma. Good the thoughts, words and contracts lead to good and happy life while the impure thoughts, words and contracts lead a person to the disaster. This was postulated in XVIII譥 century by Isaac Newton, who gave his law as for each action there is an equal and opposed reaction. ? The branch of the yoga which treats the karma calls like yoga of karma.
Usually you are bound by the cravings and the desires related to your act but you can release yourselves by making the act but while dissociating from its consequences. It is the basic concept behind yoga of karma and the person who follows this way is known like yogi of karma. Its behavior is indifference and while the world can think that it is not interested, actually it controlled its desires and developed the conscience of true importance of the events which occur around him.
This yoga implies not to make your duty without any reservation but is free from cravings results which are obtained starting from the act. It is difficult to acquire this attitude because we are taught to wish after the fruits of our work and any lack to obtain the desired results leads you to the destruction and the negative thought. Moreover, the constant attachment with the results carries out you to subject to a constraint, competition and aggressiveness. This led to the greatest incidences of the effort, the diabetes, the depression, the cardiac affections and the suicides and carried out much young people to employ drugs, alcohol and the cigarettes. Consequently according to the teaching of Krishna in Gita, where he advises Arjun: You are entitled to an action but not its fruits will carry out you to a happy life and of effort freely.
A yogi of karma realizes that this and consequently it follows the way of the detachment. But this does not return it chechmate or ineffective. On the contrary, it separates its whole energy in the current tasks with complete strength because its energy is not absorbed and a better projectile gives him. Consequently the results of its actions are the best and it obtains good fruits. It does not run after the pleasure but the pleasure follows it. This encourages a pleasant person to him to be around and thus appreciates success in its life.

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